Development Alternatives and Resource Center (DARC)
is a non-governmental organization (NGO), established in 1999
with the mission to build the capacity of development institutions
Our Programs

Research is a key aspect of DARC’s mission, to inform action and provide knowledge in policy development and future project implementation. DARC’s research cuts across various sectors as a means to understand various issues.

Organizational Development and Training
DARC has been an implementing partner for international development agencies for over 22 years and has the experience and know-how to assist corporate organizations and foundations in developing and executing their various CSR programs/initiatives.

Governance assessment is an important first step for board development efforts and its governance assessment process offers many benefits to boards and the organizations they have oversight for.

InclusiveCampus Program
DARC InclusiveCampus program strives to create a campus environment that values and supports diversity, ensuring equal opportunities for students of all abilities.